Drupal Recipes

Fox Valley Drupal in conjunction with other local Drupal user groups is engaging to create a collection of site-building recipes of core and contributed modules.

There are many great blog posts, training resources and tutorials already available to the Drupal community, so our intent is not to duplicate, but rather enhance and collect the "best of" examples and keep them updated. As they are deemed complete we hope to add them to the documentation at Drupal.org.


Title Objective Participants Status
Creating a Static Drupal Site with Tome

To start with a lando instance and use tome to transition it to a static html site.
To accomplish it we will create a separate lando instance so as not to interfere with the live site/development.
Afterwards will create a gitlab repository and host the site on gitlab since it will be pure html at this point.

Adrianm6254, bsnodgrass Proposed
Layout Builder Restrictions
  •  Provide availability to restrict blocks or layouts on the layout edit page.


Maithili Pednekar Proposed
Configure Search API Solr with the Umami profile using Lando

Lando comes with the great benefit to share the server configuration alongside the project. We have a predictable environment to deploy in production without adding provisioning overhead on the team, especially in the case of more advanced setup like Solr, Varnish, decoupled environments, It also offers faster provisioning compared to other solutions like Vagrant.

rashmi.soni Proposed
Layout Builder: Introduction
  1. Provide an ability to create customizable/flexible pages through Drupal UI
  2. Provide an ability to design a template at a content type and node-level layouts.
Maithili Pednekar Active
Video Gallery

This recipe takes advantage of the Remote Video media type to create a video gallery that is created with a view block.

left side is a video player with title and description, right side is a scrollable list of videos represented with small screenshots and title

Includes embedded video with title and description

K L Dickenson Active
Responsive Images

This recipe describes how to set up the Responsive Image module in Drupal 8, Breakpoints and also set up Image Styles.

What are responsive images?
Using responsive images means loading images that have been specifically sized for the user screen based on breakpoints. This practice makes websites load faster on mobile devices because image sizes are optimized for mobile devices. This is different than fluid images when large images are scaled down with CSS.

Andrew Olson Active
Organic SEO

Most sites need some level of search engine optimization, at least on the basic organic level. Meaning a solid structure to provide the best low maintenance approach to getting indexed and noticed for your site content as it is updated. The objective for this recipe is to outline the various modules and configurations to provide a sustainable approach to optimize with the least effort and maintenance.

Improving User Registration/login experience

Making it simpler for users to self manage their accounts

User Registration - Community Site

Searching Drupal.org for "user registration" you get the sense of how many questions, issues, and concerns exist around the user registration process. User registration on any Drupal site should consider using the methods described in the Drupal documentation regarding Configuring User Account Settings and have a working basic configuration.

bsnodgrass, Adrianm6254 Active